The French aren't kidding when they call Paris "La Ville de L'amour." Couples everywhere. On trains. On the street. Holding hands. Making out on the streets. Old couples making out on trains. Young couples making out in the streets.
A single girl could really get lonely out here.
But alas, who can blame them? The atmosphere oozes romance. So much so that I think it may have actually rubbed off on me. I can see why Paris is so loved and I could see myself falling in love with it too.
My mother and I spent the day sightseeing. Our views on what should be considered "sightseeing" differ greatly: I reject anything that screams tourist and my mom embraces it. My "sightseeing" still involves seeing the sights, but attempting to see them as an undercover tourist--the kind of tourist who embraces the local culture and the day-to-day lives of the people. To me, those things are what truly make a city. The bus tours, the constant flashing of digital cameras with foreigners blocking the sidewalks with their stupid poses, the tour guides paid to ramble on about things you learned in your history class, the multi-hour tours that herd tourists around like sheep, the ridiculously long lines at the overpriced, overrated "attractions"--they are so overly attraction-ized (yes I made that up) that they almost start to turn the city into a caricature of itself. I hate it. Mom loves it. Obviously this resulted in grumbling on both of our ends throughout the entire day, but in the end, it was all worth it and we ended up both getting a bit of what we wanted: a little bit of wandering the streets aimlessly while also touring popular attractions.
Mom ended up happy so that's really all that matters.
Plus, it's hard to grumble about how irritating tourist attractions are while staring up at this. |
Our hotel = a box with a lovely view i.e. New York living all over again. I really love how much this city reminds me of New York. It has the same constant buzzing and energy without the hard edge and is so distinctly European. It's wonderful.
Our room with a view |
The sitting room above the lobby of the hotel |
A cute little cafe where we had supper |
"Aux Champs-Elysees..." |
L'arc d'Awesome |
La Seine |
Going up to the 2ieme etage (2nd floor) of the Tower |
Panoramic views of all of Paris from the Tower |
Paris, on a eu une belle journee mais je dois te quitter pour le moment...Metz, rebonjour!
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