I spent my day yesterday reading a book by La Moselle, the main river running through Metz. It was a lovely day (though a bit warmer than I would have preferred but let me not complain too much lol) and I got to rest, relax and think, which is exactly what I needed.
Carved onto this wall is the sentence "Dans la societe du spectacle: le vrai est un moment du faux." Deep. |
This actually isn't the main river, by the way, it just connects to it. Still pretty nonetheless. |
So it was at this point where I started to get overly excited about the sepia effect on my camera phone... |
The bridge is called "Pont du bras mort" which translates to "Bridge of the dead arms." Huh. |
Le monde en sepia! |
Balloons!! |
More Balloons! |
In color now! |
So after this wonderful afternoon of strolling and reading and picture-taking, I bought myself some dinner. Now anyone who knows me well knows I don't like to eat fast food. However, after a chat with one of my french friends, I was informed that MacDonald's here in France is better than and different from McD's in the U.S. He claimed that it was healthier here. I don't know if I agree with him on that but I definitely do think the MacDonald's sandwiches here definitely feel more french considering the fact that they look way prettier and more appetizing than the ones in the U.S. I ordered a filet o' fish sandwich and this is what I got:
Have you ever seen a bun this round in real life??? This almost looks straight out of an advertisement. Compare it to the usual
Do not want. |
and you can see how pleasantly surprised I was. The French don't play when it comes to food, even at MacDonald's. Now is it healthier...well, that remains to be seen.
A Bientot!
Daph :) Ah- I remember being fascinated by the French and their fascination with MacDo. Whenever it was a nice spring day, I'd see herds of hip French youth and working professionals with their McDonald's bags (as if they were from Dean and Deluca or something) ready for a piquenique at the Jardin du Luxembourg. le sigh...to be back in France...t'as de la chance de passer tes jours en France. Profites-en bien ;) Do you have a mailing address I can reach you at?